
Android is an open source mobile OS published by the open handset alliance.

Originally Android was a not very well known enterprise focused on the development of a mobile OS. It was bought by Google in 2005. Shortly after Google announced they they will, together with 33 partners, create the open handset alliance and publish Android to the public.
The first Smartphone ever to be released was the HTC Dream, better known as the T-Mobile G1. 
Of course this was just the beginning of Androids success story. Many Android devices have emerged since than, leading to smaller companys become more valuable than old dinosaurs of the phone market like Nokia. 

Two companys have been the biggest winner in the past few years. The biggest winner is Samsung with its Galaxy series. Spanning from the Galaxy S and all of its subphones to the newest Galaxy S2, Samsung is the biggest Player in Android phone sales. 

On the second place lies HTC. Once a small enterprise building OEM phones for Carriers, HTC has become one of the biggest manufacturers in the world, its share value even higher than Nokias. We are looking forwars for an more growing share of Android phones in the future. To see the history of Androids popularity rise we highly recommend watching this video!